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Lean Six Sigma FAQs


What is ASQ?

ASQ (American Society for Quality) is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. With individual and organizational members around the world, ASQ has the reputation and reach to bring together the diverse quality champions who are transforming the world’s corporations, organizations and communities to meet tomorrow’s critical challenges. ASQ provides the quality community with training, professional certifications, and knowledge to a vast network of members of the global quality community.

What is IASSC?

Can I enroll for Black Belt certification immediately after completion of Green Belt certification?

Yes, You can enroll in our LSS GB training and then advance to LSS BB by attending 5 additional days of classroom training.

What is the eligibility criteria to apply for LSS Green Belt Training /Certification?

What is the difference between Yellow belt, Green Belt, Black belt and Master Black belt?


What is JMP ?

Where can Six Sigma be applied? (e.g. specific industries)

Lean Six Sigma has been applied successfully to virtually every industry, whether it’s a government agency, Small and medium sized businesses or large corporate. Any process that requires standardization and consistent near perfect performance will benefit from this methodology.

What is Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has many meanings and applications! It is a system of management with a goal of near perfection in business performance. Customer focused process improvement approach to reduce variation and eliminate waste. It is a structured problem-solving methodology utilizing data and analytical tools to achieve breakthrough improvements. The data driven decision making mind set. In its entirety it is a powerful business strategy for sustained success.

Successful Lean Six Sigma deployment enables:

  • Developing continuous improvement culture
  • Reducing cost by reducing variation and eliminating waste
  • Optimizing processes by improving efficiency & effectiveness
  • Improving customer experience & loyalty
  • Revenue enhancement by understanding customer needs
  • Building employee competency and motivation

How did Lean Six Sigma evolve?

Lean Six Sigma (LSS) evolved from quality initiatives, such as ISO and Baldrige, a quality standardization process based on hard data. The term Six Sigma originated from / in manufacturing and was developed by Motorola as a quality initiative in the 1980s, for which Motorola won the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. Lean Six Sigma blends the methodology of Six Sigma with the principals of Lean Manufacturing to provide a comprehensive approach to improve process and business performance.

After gaining popularity for delivering benefits in the manufacturing industry, LSS has revolutionized service industry performance in the past 4 decades since its inception and the practice continues to evolve.

What is DMAIC?

The DMAIC model provides a common language for Six Sigma projects. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control.

Define – the problem to solve

Measure – the current performance

Analyze – the relationships to identify factors that influence performance.

Improve – by identifying the best fit solution to optimize key factors

Control – Make the change last

How does Lean Six Sigma work?

Lean Six Sigma is a quantitative and qualitative approach that seeks to eliminate waste and reduce variation in a business process. The methodology uses several statistical (data) and lean (process) tools and techniques for Process improvement, Process design/re-design and Process management.

What is the financial impact of implementing Lean Six Sigma?

The impact can be both Quantitative and Qualitative and varies based on the scale of and scope of the project. Financial impact can translate into cost savings, cost avoidance, and increased capability


Do I need a project to attend a course?

Ideally participants are required to identify a Six Sigma project in their work area a however, its not mandatory.

If my company has not formally deployed Lean Six Sigma, can I attend a course?

What course material do I get for reference?

All participants will be provided the Lean Six Sigma GB/BB Handbook and a Lean Six Sigma tool book, a reference guide for over 100 lean Six Sigma tools.

What are some of the advantages CTRL X has to offer?

With over a decade of LSS training and deployment experience across 15+ countries, certifications from reputed global organizations and accreditation by IASSC , we at CtrlX provide best in class lean six sigma certification course.

The following are some of the advantages:

  • We specialize in niche training, we are not a mass training provider.
  • All programs delivered by Vishal Kapse – IASSC Accredited Associate and GE Certified Six Sigma BB Trainer
  • Training designed as per international standards of ASQ & IASSC BoK
  • Facilitator participant ratio of 1:10 for effective learning
  • Training is designed based on adult learning principles ; the content strictly follows the “Tell – Show – Do model”
  • Learning will be primarily based on case studies and exercises
  • Training focuses on conceptual knowledge and practical application of concepts.
  • Balanced focus on technical tools and softer change management techniques
  • Balanced focus on both data management & data analysis
  • Hands-on practice on Statistical Discovery software (JMP)
  • CtrlX GB participants can advance to BB by only attending 5 additional days of training
  • Lean Six Sigma tool book provided
  • Optional Minitab training available*
    *Conditions Apply : For details contact your local office

What is the difference between Yellow belt, Green Belt, Black belt and Master Black belt?

  • Yellow belt is a foundational training to gain awareness on LSS methodology,
  • Green Belt (GB) training suits those with 3-4 years’ domain experience, working on LSS improvement projects.”
  • Mostly mentored by Black belts, part time quality practitioner.
  • A Black Belt (BB) practices full-time quality and is usually a certified Green Belt with expertise gained from 3-4 projects.
  • Attended black belt boot camps and passed certification criteria. Mentored by Master Black belts, full time quality expert.
  • Master black belt (MBB) individual who has grown the ranks from GB to MBB.
  • Performing leadership roles of the organization or managing Quality initiatives , mentor black belts and Champion the cause of Quality.

What is the process to enroll for a LSS BB training ?

LSS Black Belt program is a 10 day classroom training

  • CtrlX GB participants can advance to BB by only attending 5 additional days of training.
  • Participants who have completed GB from other institutes can also enroll for BB training . For more details contact your local office

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